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Afterschool Classes

We've created a world of learning and fun in our after-school classes, where experienced teachers inspire young minds across subjects like Math, English, Science, and more. Designed for ages 5 to 11

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Study Buddy
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STEM & Robotics
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Acting icon
Art icon

Study Buddy

The Study Buddy Tutoring Service is a fantastic learning support program designed for children aged 5 to 11.Our team covers a variety of subjects to make learning fun and engaging for elementary school students. Classes include:

  • Math Adventures (Basic Math, Fun with Numbers)

  • Storytime English

  • Science Explorers (Discovering Nature, Simple Experiments)

  • Language Quest (Introduction to Foreign Languages)

5 - 11 years old

Tutor and a student make art

STEM & Robotics

Our STEM sessions offer a thrilling dive into science, tech, engineering, and math. Ignite curiosity, nurture skills, and unlock your child's vast potential!

Happy boy

Our program merges science, engineering, and programming to guide children in creating amazing things. Ages 8 to 13


Happy boy

Our chess lessons are designed to help your child master this timeless game while having a blast! Class is based on the knowledge of top coaches in the field. Ages 7 to 14


Happy boy

An exciting journey into the world of mathematics, teaching not just numbers but lifelong essential skills for your children. Ages 5 to 13


Happy boy

Our LEGO brick building sessions offer children a unique experience in creating models and develops a multitude of skills and abilities. Ages 4 and up


Happy boy

A thrilling dive into science, tech, engineering, and math. Equip your child with skills for creativity and critical thinking. Ages 5 to 13


Music classes

This program seamlessly blends the magic of music with the vitality of physical activity, creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters creativity, cognitive growth, and social skills.

Happy boy

Our expert instructors make learning the piano a wholesome journey, catering to each child's individual pace so our young pianists discover the sheer joy of expressing themselves through this timeless instrument. Ages 5 to 13


Music & Movements
Happy boy

In this interactive session, young minds will groove to the beats, express creativity through movement, and discover the joy of music in a vibrant and supportive environment led by experienced instructors. Ages 5 to 13



Art classes foster creativity, self-expression, fine motor skills, observation, and boost self-esteem, confidence, and social skills while allowing children to express themselves.

5 - 13 years old

Boy chooses pencils to draw with


Our program is specifically tailored to inspire and nurture the budding actors and actresses of tomorrow, providing a fun and educational environment for children aged 5 to 13 to explore the exciting world of acting.

5 - 13 years old

Young fun-loving boy is crooning

Language classes

A brief paragraph about the service, experienced teachers

Happy boy

Our curriculum covers everything from foundational grammar to advanced vocabulary. Our interactive approach goes beyond textbooks, incorporating fun activities and creative exercises to make learning English a joyous experience. Ages 5 to 13


Happy boy

An exciting exploration of Spanish that combines education and fun! Our skilled instructors employ creative techniques that ensure your child develops essential Spanish language skills and make language acquisition a delightful adventure. Ages 5 to 13


Happy boy

Immerse your child in the enchanting world of French language and culture! Our classes offer an interactive experience that goes beyond language acquisition to create appreciation for the diverse Francophone world. Ages 5 to 13


Happy boy

Explore the beauty and intricacies of the Russian language. Our classes blend language acquisition with cultural insights, creating an immersive and enjoyable learning experience. Ages 5 to 13


Our teachers and staff- the ones we entrust our kids to:

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